Sunrise Tours' Commitment to Customers to Promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
1. We prioritize selecting accommodation facilities and adventure tourism companies that are working on or have received a certification related to sustainable tourism. We do not offer tours that may have adverse effects on nature, culture, or social environment.
2. We work with guide interpreters and staff who are highly aware of SDGs.
The main guide interpreters, tour conductors, and local staff undergo training in advance, making sure to know the important points on every tour destination such as sustainability principles of tourism in general, as well as etiquette when visiting special areas such as World Heritage sites, preservation districts, and national parks. A guide interpreter shares information on the natural environment, regional culture, and cultural heritage during the tour.
3. We work on reducing the amount of tour-related pamphlets and paper consumption.We also use bio-based inks. When sending out pamphlets, we make sure to simplify the packaging.
[Category1. Environment(ECO) Friendly]
1. We prioritize the use of transportation with reduced CO2 emissions and vehicles that minimize harmful effects on the environment.
2. We reduce the number of disposable items offered during the tour, and prioritize the use of recyclable items.
3. By using local production for local consumption food products that are offered in the tour, we contribute to the reduction of energy and CO2 emissions that would have been otherwise present during food transportation.
4. We support carbon offset programs, wherein tour-related CO2 emissions are compensated by carbon absorptions made elsewhere, thus protecting the future of the planet.
5. We offer opportunities for hands-on learning about the preservation of nature and wildlife.
[Category2. Cross Cultural Understanging]
1. We offer opportunities for hands-on learning about the preservation of culture and arts.
2. On tours promoting tourism exchange, we make good use of wit and characteristics to prepare new content without marring the region's essential value, leading to regional revitalization.
3. By providing opportunities to know the region's culture, nature, and history and to interact with the region's people, local knowledge and stories are shared, bringing forth a deep impression among tour participants as well as pride and further work initiative among the local residents.
4. By offering the region's traditional food prepared with local ingredients (regional cuisine), food culture is demonstrated, contributing to cultural heritage.
[Category3. Social Contribution]
1. By providing opportunities for tour participants and regional producers to interact with one another, we bring direct revenue to local regions, contributing to their economic growth.
2. We work on improving relations between accommodation facilities and local producers, especially supporting the production and distribution of local food items and souvenirs.
3. For the preservation of nature, arts and culture, a portion of the tour charges is contributed to social work such as local associations and is used on activities rooted in the region.
4. A portion of the tour charges is assigned to activities and workshops that promote education on sustainability.